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Promotion of Covid Crisis book whilst celebrate Victoria Day for Bangladesh

  I am grateful to Hasina Momtaz for inviting me to the Guildhall this afternoon to celebrate Victory Day for Bangladesh and in a cheeky way, I managed to promote my book -'Covid Crisis, the BritBangla Response'. I would especially like to thank Munsur Ali CC , Sheikh Aliur Rahman OBE , Snigdha K S Misty and others.
Recent posts

Book promotion with English4ALL and Channel S in one day

In one day Ripon Ray promoted 'Covid Crisis: the Brit-Bangla Response' book in two different places in London.  Initially, it started when Ripon delivered a workshop to ESOL students in Tower Hamlets to a group of women who live locally. It was organised by Becky Winstanley on behalf of English4All. Ripon spoke about the subject: 'Housing, council tax & your rights .' After the workshop,  Becky explained that Ripon wrote the book. It resulted in the women in the seminar speaking about their experience of Covid for better or worse.  Afterwards we took a group photo to remind ourselves of the history of the Bengali experience during the pandemic.  After the event, Ripon was invited to discuss the cause of poverty in the Bangladeshi community in Britain which resulted in a heavy debate between the penal members and the host. To conclude the event, the panel members got together to learn about the book.

Talk at York University on Covid Crisis campaign

It was a wonderful experience to have been able to give a talk to York University PHD researchers on my recent book on Covid Crisis. These researchers were so inquisitive and supporting of my work. I am grateful to Dr Suman Prinjha for for giving me the opportunity to speak about it.  Also, having spoken with Rabbani, I was able to approach a production company to make a short documentary. It would be a delight to meet in person in the future perhaps for an exhibition? Thank you, everyone!

Covid Crisis book & Untold Covid Stories exhibition launch (Reflection)

On 4th July 6-8pm at Rich Mix, 50 people from all walks of life from the East End and beyond to purchased the ' Covid Crisis: The Brit-Bangla Response ' book and viewed the  Untold Covid  Stories exhibition (preview) which showed extracts of the book to remember the struggles of the Bengali community during the pandemic and their response. The exhibition was opened at 6 PM and were guided by  Saif Aslam and Doug Haywood (exhibition curators), Barney Snow (script editor), Miranda Snow (visual book editor), Chuks Ikediashi (Author's friend) and Ripon Ray (author).  At 7pm, Ripon Ray, spoke about the historical importance of such a book launch to capture the stories during the pandemic from the perspective of the Bengali community and how the campaign organised by BritBanglaCovid had become one of the major platforms for many minority communities predominantly from East London. Kawsar Zaman - campaigner for TaketheVaccine - highlighted the book's significance and the e...

Getting Ready for the launch!

  Hi everyone, Not long to go for the launch of 'Untold Covid Stories' exhibition and 'Covid Crisis - the BritBangla Response' book launch. I just want to give you an overview of the day: 6:00 - Exhibition opening - you can check out the art corridors, speak to me (the author), speak to editors (Barney and Miranda Snow) and curator (Doug Haywood) and others who are like-minded like you and me. Feel free to purchase the limited editions of the book and T-towels - I genuinely mean limited! 7:00 - 7:30 - Free snacks provided by Oitijjo - everything halal and vegan - tea too. First £150 is free to drink from the bar - so hurry! 😘 7:30 - 8:00 - five-minute speeches by each campaigner, academic and me - just don't cringe!🙂 8:30 - The End, but feel free to party among yourself. The photographer will take photos of you: don't forget to say: 'cheese!' Registration here: Ripon Ray Founder BritBanglaCovid

Covid Crisis: The Brit-Bangla Response (book)

  Ripon Ray’s exciting new book, ‘  Covid Crisis: The Brit Bangla Response ,’ and exhibition in the East End of London’s Rich Mix Centre will open on Independence Day, July 4th.  This critical text is “a major achievement as there are very few studies of the pandemic that focus in such depth on particular minority communities in the UK”, Alastair Owens, Professor of Historical Geography, Queens Mary University of London  Highlighting the dynamic response of the British Bangladeshi community during the devastating Covid crisis, the book reveals a unique insight into a marginalised community during a crisis—testimonies of the local community and beyond, collection of livid experiences during an unprecedented global pandemic. A space where marginalised and often vulnerable people's voices are given a platform.  Unheard stories insight detail:  “The Brit Bangla COVID Platform is an excellent and fascinating example of community-wide mediation."  King’s Col...

Badsha Khan & Pandemic

  He came to the UK in 1962. At the time, he felt the UK was pretty peaceful and safe. There was no rivalry, conflict or tension among many communities. He stayed with Bengali seamen. There were thousands of seamen. All of them were Bengalis from India. They came on a ship, and many married English women and stayed in the UK permanently. We are not speaking about just a few Bengalis. During the global pandemic, many Bangladeshis in Bangladesh lost their lives. If more die in Bangladesh, there may be a call for a national lockdown, according to Badsha Khan. He wanted to go to Bangladesh for Eid to sacrifice a cow. All the flights from the UK to Bangladesh were on hold. Instead, those who lived there shared the cow meat with others. He spent a few hours walking about. It was terrifying for him.