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Getting Ready for the launch!

  Hi everyone, Not long to go for the launch of 'Untold Covid Stories' exhibition and 'Covid Crisis - the BritBangla Response' book launch. I just want to give you an overview of the day: 6:00 - Exhibition opening - you can check out the art corridors, speak to me (the author), speak to editors (Barney and Miranda Snow) and curator (Doug Haywood) and others who are like-minded like you and me. Feel free to purchase the limited editions of the book and T-towels - I genuinely mean limited! 7:00 - 7:30 - Free snacks provided by Oitijjo - everything halal and vegan - tea too. First £150 is free to drink from the bar - so hurry! 😘 7:30 - 8:00 - five-minute speeches by each campaigner, academic and me - just don't cringe!🙂 8:30 - The End, but feel free to party among yourself. The photographer will take photos of you: don't forget to say: 'cheese!' Registration here: Ripon Ray Founder BritBanglaCovid
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Covid Crisis: The Brit-Bangla Response (book)

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Badsha Khan & Pandemic

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BritBanglaCovid recieves an invitation to APPG on Vaccinations for All

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Ramadan: A time for reflection and care for the vulnerable

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Vaccination worker abandoned Uber driving and joined vaccination campaign to save lives

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